Largest potato cake in the world, event hold in Carahue city. Date to be confirmed during summer season.
Biggest seafood platter of the world
The world’s largest seafood platter event hold in the town of Nehuentúe, close to the summer season ending.
Chorada - Nehuentúe
Pastel de papas - Carahue
Feria Campesina
Feria Campesina
Noche Saavedrina
Noche Saavedrina
This is the 13th consecutive time where Expocampesina has been conducted including 2020, and this event is hold in the city of Pto. Saavedra during the last week of January.
Saavedrina’s Night
Saavedrina Night is considered a summer milestone during February each year, hold in the city of Pto. Saavedra.
Teodoro Schmidt
Commune’s Anniversary
Anniversary of the commune, the largest landmark of the territory, is celebrated at the end of January of each year, including fireworks, artists and the best gastronomy and crafts souvenirs.
Aniversario Teodoro Schmidt
Desafío Aguas Abiertas Toltén Wolf
Campeonato de Pesca del salmón Chinook
Chinook Salmon Fishing Championship
Chinook Salmon Fishing Championship, held on Tolten River every year during November, it is considered the main championship of La Araucanía.
Toltén Wolf Open Waters’ Challenge
Toltén Wolf Open Waters’ Challenge is a high-level individual swimming test that consists of swimming 13.5km downstream; the route starts from Nueva Toltén’s village to Caleta La Barra, where you can see the union of the river and the Pacific Ocean. It is held during January.
Nueva Imperial
Anniversary of the commune
Imperialina’s Night is the celebration of the commune’s anniversary. Beautiful boats are displayed in a Venetian parade throughout the Chol Chol River, joined by artists playing on a floating stage. It takes place at the end of February.